Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Recommendation for Network Marketing by Robert Kiyosaki, Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad


From the Book: Why We Want You to be Rich by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki. From Chapter 27: Why Do You Recommend Network Marketing.

Robert says long term success in life comes from your education, life experience and personal character. Network marketing provides personal development in those key areas. The training for those areas plus attitude training doesn’t always mean you will have a successful business, it is one of the toughest challenges a person can do.

If it was easy everyone would be doing it. You must overcome self-doubt, shyness and fear of rejection. He also states an important personal skill to have is Leadership.

 Are you able to overcome your own fears and teach others to overcome their fears? Would you like to have someone invest the time in your education, personal development and help build your business? Network marketing is the answer.

 Kiyosaki also states, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to do what it takes and go beyond your comfort zone. Can you be led and are you willing to learn how to lead? Focus on the education and personal development of the Network Marketing Company, not the product or the compensation plan and get started. Robert’s criteria for a successful Network Marketing program are:

·       Leverage- Can I train other people?

·       Control- Do I have a protected system that belongs to me?

·       Creativity- Will the business allow me to be creative and develop my own personal style and talents?

·       Expandability- Can my business grow indefinatly?

·       Predictability- Is my income predictable if I do what is expected of me? If I am successful and keep expanding my business, will my income increase with my success and hard work?

Pyramid Schemes are the opposite of Network marketing he continues. Any corporation with a CEO is really a pyramid scheme having one person on top.  A true network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top, not keeping you at the bottom, the opposite of the traditional business model.

Other Points:

1.       Tax Breaks/Incentives increase

2.       Meet like-minded people

3.       Give yourself time

4.       Network marketing companies are patient

5.       Leverage the systems that are already in place

If you have a closed mind, try an open it to see the benefits of network marketing and the people involved that want more out of life.

Check out this Network Marketing Company: Altairia International

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